
  "headline": "Year 38 is here",
  "text": "Your waiting has come to an end, and Year 38 is here! Once again, six series of unusual physics problems await you. Let's enjoy a year full of events and physics together!",
    "backgrounds": {
    "outer": "fykos-green",
    "inner": "fykos-lime"
  "buttons":  [
              "page": "https://fykos.org/events/start",
              "title": "Events"
  "headline": "Registration for Physics Brawl Online",
  "text": "Registration for this year's Physics Brawl Online is open. So get together up to five friends and dive into solving all kinds of physics problems on November 20!",
    "backgrounds": {
    "outer": "fykos-purple",
    "inner": "fykos-pink"
  "buttons":  [
              "page": "https://physicsbrawl.org/",
              "title": "Physics Brawl Online"